Hi, I'm Scott Turman
I am a technologist, entrepreneur, and author. Prior to founding BrightRay Publishing, I wrote code and cryptographic systems for organizations like NASA, the US Department of Defense, Disney, and other Fortune 500s. I live with my wife and son in Maitland, Florida.
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Playing Around With AI
I love the idea of creating headshots and image content using AI. I have needed more headshots for awhile now and I simply generating them

Facebooks’s Attempt to Change the Subject
What In the Heck is A Metaverse? Metaverse: A catch-all term for what comes after the current incarnation of the mobile web. If you have

What Do People Assume About You Based on Your Online Presence?
Originally published on Entrepreneur.com October 12, 2021 In the 1950s, an economist and cognitive psychologist named Herbert Simon introduced the concept of cognitive heuristics. I

Scott Carpenter
My father named me after this man(Scott Carpenter). He had the opportunity to work with him during the development of Project Redstone/Mercury. I missed the

I Finally Published Stop Getting Fu*ked by Technical Recruiters: A Nerd’s Guide to Negotiating Salary And Benefits
I have been taking notes and outlining this book for years as I always knew I wanted to get it published. Most nerds, in general,

c# Absolute Value And The math.abs Method
Using c# Absolute Value using the Math.Abs method.