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C# Math.Abs Method

c# Absolute Value And The math.abs Method

c# Absolute Value – I am adding this short post for my son as an easy lookup while I teach him to program. An absolute value is the distance to 0 and the words “absolute value” are more complicated than the concept. -5 is 5 from 0 so, the absolute value of -5 is 5. I am sure that when you were in middle school you simply removed the – from the number but I am fairly sure that at the time you did not realize it was simply the distance to 0. 

So -4 and 4 are simply 4 units to 0;

c# absolute value

c# Absolute Value and her Many Overloads

Now in C#, we use the method Abs that resides off of the Math Class.

C# Math.Abs Method

It has 7 few overloads including Decimal, Double, Int16, Int32, Int64, SByte, and Single. 

Abs(Decimal)Returns the absolute value of a Decimal number.
Abs(Double)Returns the absolute value of a double-precision floating-point number.
Abs(Int16)Returns the absolute value of a 16-bit signed integer.
Abs(Int32)Returns the absolute value of a 32-bit signed integer.
Abs(Int64)Returns the absolute value of a 64-bit signed integer.
Abs(SByte)Returns the absolute value of an 8-bit signed integer.
Abs(Single)Returns the absolute value of a single-precision floating-point number.

Here is an example of its use. I have used an array of a few types to demonstrate the outputs in a Console App.

					using System;

class Program


    static void Main(string[] args)


        //c# absolute value - The Repeat code was left for readability and simplicity. I probably could have put this in a method with a Genertic T as the Type

        int[] integers = { -343254, 343, -2, 345345345 };

        decimal[] decimals = { -2343.23M, 23423.334M, -1.2M };

        short[] shorts = { -32767, 32767, 1, 34, -33 };

        foreach (var value in integers)


            Console.WriteLine("The Abslute value of " + value.ToString() + " is " + Math.Abs(value));


        foreach (var value in decimals)


            Console.WriteLine("The Abslute value of " + value.ToString() + " is " + Math.Abs(value));


        foreach (var value in shorts)


            Console.WriteLine("The Abslute value of " + value.ToString() + " is " + Math.Abs(value));





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